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What God Has Joined - Facilitator's Guide

What God Has Joined - Facilitator's Guide

  • Dr. Mona-Lee Feehan
  • 96 pages
  • 2014-07-01
Regular price $23.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $23.95 CAD
An interactive and accessible marriage preparation program to help couples grow in understanding of each other and the Church’s teaching. Deeply grounded in the Church’s sacramental understanding of marriage, What God Has Joined offers couples all the resources they need to grow in understanding of each other and the centrality of faith to their marriage. Written and prepared by Dr. Mona-Lee Feehan, theologian and pastoral minister with an expertise in formation programs for marriage and adult learning and development, the program invites couples to reflect upon the key elements of a healthy relationship as well as the rich and abundant Church teaching on the sacrament of marriage. Drawing from Scripture and the teachings of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, this program will empower and assist facilitators in leading couples through marriage preparation. In addition, couples will discover that the engaging, full-colour magazine-style couple’s guide will ignite their own conversation and reflection on marriage and faith as they continue their journey together. Dr. Mona-Lee Feehan

SKU: 190806n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9782896463305

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