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Time for a Savior: Advent Wreath

Time for a Savior: Advent Wreath

Advent Activity
It’s time for Advent—time to pray, time to prepare, time to count the days until the Savior arrives! Each day of the season, press out the numbered circles on the easy-toassemble Advent wreath. Move the Mary and Joseph figures along the swirling path, closer and closer to the center of the wreath, and closer and closer to Christmas Day! On December 25, it’s finally time. Jesus is added to the Advent scene as we celebrate the day of his birth in Bethlehem.
Cutting is required. Ages 6-12.

Cardstock • 11" x 17" • Code TSAW

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Regular price $2.00
Regular price Sale price $2.00

SKU: NV702392 | ISBN: NV702392
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