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The Sprituality of Parenting: Connecting Heart and Soul (Adult Faith Formation Library)

The Sprituality of Parenting: Connecting Heart and Soul (Adult Faith Formation Library)

  • Kathy Hendricks;
  • Kathy Hendricks
  • 96 pages
  • 2016-01-08
Regular price $17.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $17.50 CAD
It often seems that parenting is more an obstacle to genuine spirituality, rather than an avenue to mystery. But in Spirituality of Parenting, Kathy Hendricks asks parents to reflect on their role and to nourish their own spirituality in the midst of their busy and complicated lives. Parents are encouraged to care for their own hearts while navigating the blessings and challenges of family life. Kathy examines four states of the heart: vigilance, joy, heaviness, and hope and each state is anchored in stories from the Hebrew Christian Scriptures and the scriptures of Kathy s own life. We are then invited to connect our own stories with all our moments of chaos and creation with Kathy s stories and with her insights. This is a book meant to mark up, underline phrases, and write notes in the margins.

Bob McCarty, D.Min. Executive Director National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry

Adult Faith Formation Library The Adult Faith Formation Library offers a valuable collection of titles that are a reliable resource for information, formation and transformation in the Catholic tradition. Perfect for Adults in a faith community who would like to grow through spiritual reading and reflection Parish/pastoral ministers who seek support in their personal and professional development Pastoral teams or school faculties who desire to enrich or further explore their mission Individuals who want to deepen their own understanding of the faith Each volume s user-friendly format provides An introduction to the topic Four chapters designed for reading in one sitting/session Questions for personal reflection and journaling A suggested reading list for further explorationKathy Hendricks;, Kathy Hendricks

SKU: 197761n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781627851275

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