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The Light of the World: Daily Meditations for Advent and Christmas

The Light of the World: Daily Meditations for Advent and Christmas

These Advent reflections reflect our natural longing for the light. Like John, we can will to become quieter, slower even, pointing to the Christ who is to come. Like [pilgrims], we can look within for ways to make our own hearts and minds more transparent, more open, more accepting of the light. Journey through Advent with internationally acclaimed author Phyllis Zagano as she explores the rich themes of this holy season. As explored by Zagano, Advent is a time of darkness and light, increase and decrease. The Light of the World gently unfolds the rhythms of these sacred weeks, inviting readers into a deep and prayerful journey to Christmas.Phyllis Zagano;, Phyllis Zagano
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SKU: 202055n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781627852128
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