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The Bible Companion: A Catholic Handbook for Beginners

The Bible Companion: A Catholic Handbook for Beginners

  • Ronald D. Witherup
  • 264 pages
  • 2009-09-01
Regular price $26.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $26.95 CAD

An entry-level overview of the Bible, which presupposes no specialized knowledge of the Bible or religion, this accessible guide emphasizes truly experiencing the Bible rather than just studying it. Written in a warm and inviting tone by a prominent biblical scholar, the handbook answers many questions, such as What is the Bible, and how did it come to be? How do you recognize a true prophet? and Which Bible should I choose? Arranged according to the books of the Bible, this comprehensive introduction includes chapters on the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Letters as well as appendices, a glossary, and resources for further study.

Ronald D. Witherup

SKU: 159055n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9780824525477

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