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Still Unhealed (Ebook Edition)

Still Unhealed (Ebook Edition)

  • Nuala Kenny
  • 2019-09-01
Regular price $14.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $14.95 CAD
The sexual abuse of children and youth by Catholic clergy is the greatest scandal of the modern church. It has caused devastating, life-long harm to victim-survivors and to the entire Body of Christ. For many, it has precipitated a crisis of faith and a loss of credibility and trust in the Church and its leaders. How ought disciples of Jesus Christ respond to this profound contradiction to his words and witness? This unique work recognizes the importance of correct diagnosis for effective treatment. Using insights from history, medicine, psychology, sociology and organizational studies, it identifies structures and beliefs calling for deep personal and ecclesial conversion and reform. This heartfelt book, rooted in faith, hope and love, is offered in support of all those clergy and laity working together to heal the Church, and in deep trust in the power of the Holy Spirit. An essential reminder that the sex abuse crisis is not just a clerical crisis, but an ecclesial crisis...not just a legal crisis, but also a spiritual crisis that requires conversion and reform. Recommended for all Catholics who want an authoritative guide to a multidisciplinary approach to the Catholic abuse crisis. Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Professor of Historical Theology, Villanova UniversityNuala Kenny

SKU: 214352n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9782896887606

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