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Stand Your Ground

Stand Your Ground

  • Kelly Brown Douglas;
  • 264 pages
  • 2015-05-01
Regular price $32.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $32.50 CAD
On the Sunday morning after the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s killer, black preachers across America addressed the questions his death raised for their communities: “Where is the justice of God? What are we to hope for?” In this timely and compelling book, Kelly Brown Douglas examines the myths and narratives underlying a “stand-your-ground” culture, taking seriously the social as well as the theological questions raised by this and similar events, from Ferguson, Missouri to Staten Island, New York. But the author also brings another significant interpretative lens to this text: that of a mother. She writes: “;ere has been no story in the news that has troubled me more than that of Trayvon Martin’s slaying. President Obama said that if he had a son his son would look like Trayvon. I do have a son and he does look like Trayvon.” In the face of tragedy and indi;fference, Kelly Brown Douglas a;rms the truth of a black mother’s faith in these times of “stand your ground.”Kelly Brown Douglas;

SKU: 195579n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781626981096

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