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Saint John Paul II

Saint John Paul II

  • Paulist Press
  • 96 pages
  • 2020-08-01
Regular price $13.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $13.50 CAD
Remembering his witness through expressive images and words Celebrating one hundred years, this book beautifully traces the pontificate of St. John Paul II through photos and words from his petrine magisterium. It is addressed to all the faithful on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. “It is right to remember this great holy witness of the faith that God has given to his Church and to humanity. He was a great witness of mercy, and throughout his pontificate he called us to this characteristic of God. It is nice to remember him in a simple way: with images, so expressive and capable of transmitting to us what John Paul II was. I hope that this book, with its short texts and prayers drawn from his homilies, his documents, and his magisterium, will reach the hands of many, and above all young people. Let us remember his faith, and may his life be an example for us to live our testimony today.” —Pope Francis, from the prefacePaulist Press

SKU: 214736n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9780809155392

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