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Reconstructing Christianity in China: K.H. Ting and the Chinese Church (ASM)

Reconstructing Christianity in China: K.H. Ting and the Chinese Church (ASM)

  • Philip L. Wickeri
  • 516 pages
  • 2015-03-04
Regular price $71.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $71.95 CAD
This monumental work recounts a large part of modern Chinese Christian history by telling the story of one of its key protagonists--Bishop K. H. Ting, a public figure both revered and reviled--as he negotiated the path of millions of Chinese Protestant Christians from the triumph of Maos Revolution until today. Drawing on unparalleled access to Bishop Ting and those who know him, as well as to archival sources, Philip L. Wickeris research brings into relief important chapters of Chinese Christian history: the struggles of a beleaguered Christian minority, distrusted as a foreign religion; the bloodshed of World War II; and the turmoil of a revolution that waged war against every layer of society that stood in its path. K. H. Ting survived all this and more at the head of the Three Self Patriotic Movement and the China Christian Council.
Wickeri offers a unique perspective on what that survival entailed, not just for Bishop Ting, but for a Christian movement that is today mushrooming beyond anything either Mao Zedong or K. H. Ting could ever have imagined.Philip L. Wickeri

SKU: 151776n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781570757518

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