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Living the Eucharist: Celebrating Its Rhythm in Our Lives

Living the Eucharist: Celebrating Its Rhythm in Our Lives

  • Paul Bernier
  • 122 pages
  • 2005-04-04
Regular price $19.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $19.95 CAD
If the liturgy is truly to be the source and summit of our lives, says Fr. Paul Bernier in this simple, clear, and perceptive book, we need to look more closely at what we are really doing when we celebrate Eucharist, and see more clearly how it connects to our lives outside the church door. Bernier does this by using a motif of a liturgical, divine melody, and shows how its rhythms are meant to lead us deeper into sharing Christ's life. Living the Eucharist: Celebrating its Rhythms in Our Lives is an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to grow in their eucharistic spirituality, and to see how liturgy and life are intimately connected.Paul Bernier

SKU: 127494n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781585955060

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