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Living Stewardship

Living Stewardship

  • Darrin J.G. Gurr
  • 64 pages
  • 2019-04-01
Regular price $13.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $13.95 CAD
The New Evangelization that is imbuing Catholicism is really a call to discipleship. But how do we actually live out that call in our daily lives? Grounded in the stewardship principles of living gratefully, generously, and being present in the moment, Father Darrin Gurr fashions a spirituality for living today in a holistic, joyful, and abundant manner. He offers a disciple’s response the New Evangelization. While certainly a suitable resource for transforming an entire parish community, this book is unique compared to other writings on stewardship, as it focuses on the spirituality of the Catholic individual and her/his search for a life with deeper meaning.Darrin J.G. Gurr

SKU: 207735n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9782896885367

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