Lectionary of Saints and Masses
Lectionary of Saints and Masses
Following the publication of the new Official Liturgical Translation of the Bible, this Sunday Lectionary presents all the texts of the Sunday celebrations and certain major feasts of the Lord in a version made for proclamation, with the aim that each faithful can better understand their intelligence and beauty.
The Association Épiscopale Liturgique pour les pays Francophones (AELF), the structure responsible for coordinating the translation projects and leading the publication of liturgical books, was very attentive to meeting everyone's expectations.
This solid and elegant work is a superb setting for proclamation. Bright, white paper makes it easy to read. The book has a leather cover, with head and foot headbands, attached endpapers, two satin bookmarks, a gilding iron on the cover and interior pages printed in black and red.
1,500 pages, 17.5 x 24 cm, leather hardcover, 3 bookmarks, Éditions Mame-Desclée, 2016.
Language : French