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Jesus Christ (Teaching Guide): God's Love Made Visible (Living in Christ)

Jesus Christ (Teaching Guide): God's Love Made Visible (Living in Christ)

  • Navarro et al.
  • Holly Hoey Germann
  • 150 pages
  • 2011-04-15
Regular price $53.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $53.95 CAD
In Jesus Christ: God's Love made Visible the students encounter Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity. This course leads the students toward a deeper understanding of Divine Revelation, the Trinity, the Incarnation, Jesus, salvation, and discipleship as a response to God's love.

The Living in Christ Series

• Makes the most of the wisdom and experience of Catholic high school teachers as they empower and guide students to participate in their own learning.

• Engages students' intellect and responds to their natural desire to know God.

• Encourages faith in action through carefully-crafted learning objectives, lessons, activities, active learning, and summative projects that address multiple learning styles.

What you will find . . .

• Each Living in Christ student book is developed in line with the U.S. Bishops' High School Curriculum Framework and provides key doctrine essential to the course in a clear and accessible way, making it relevant to the students and how they live their lives.

• Each Living in Christ teacher guide carefully crafts the lessons, based on the key principles of Understanding by Design, to guide the students' understanding of key concepts.

• Living in Christ offers an innovative, online learning environment featuring flexible and customizable resources to enrich and empower the teacher to respond to the diverse learning needs of the students.

• The Living in Christ series is available to you in traditional full-color text and in digital textbook format, offering you options to meet your preferences and needs.

Navarro et al., Holly Hoey Germann

SKU: 184605n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781599820002

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