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Hope and History, Why We Must Share the Story of the Movement, 2d ed.

Hope and History, Why We Must Share the Story of the Movement, 2d ed.

  • Vincent Harding
  • 238 pages
  • 2013-04-26
Regular price $21.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $21.50 CAD
Hope and History is an eloquent, informed, and impassioned call to remember and to share the story of "the civil rights movement." Drawing upon his extensive experience as a participant-historian in the movement, Harding focuses on the profound significance of the freedom struggle for our lives as citizens today. In this new edition, he reflects on the election of President Barack Obama, drawing connections between his accomplishment and the broad history that lay behind it.Vincent Harding

SKU: 158948n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781570758577

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