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An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective (Theology in Global Perspectives)

An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective (Theology in Global Perspectives)

Offers a comprehensive guide to doing theology as part of the Catholic ecclesial community in today's globalized world.An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective emphasizes that theology is an activity, a process that is anchored in Scripture but interpreted by ecclesial tradition and the magisterium. This theology is rooted in the experience that divine is found in a sacramental world and community. This book also describes a systematic theology as refelction upon the church's central teachings on creation, sin, redemption, the Trinity, anthropology, ecclesiology, salvation, and eternal life.Stephen B. Bevans
Regular price $40.50
Regular price Sale price $40.50

SKU: 158939n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781570758522
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