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5 Minutes with Christ: Spiritual Nourishment for Busy Teachers

5 Minutes with Christ: Spiritual Nourishment for Busy Teachers

  • Lou Delfra;
  • Lou Delfra C.S.C.
  • 224 pages
  • 2011-10-03
Regular price $18.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $18.95 CAD
These inspirational reflections on Christ as Teacher provide educators with the spiritual nourishment they need during their busy days. Crafted by graduates and associates of the University of Notre Dame's Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) program, the most prestigious Catholic teacher-training program in the United States, each reflection is based on an event in the life of Jesus and invites the reader to connect with him in the chaos of daily life.

In these Gospel reflections, educators will find comfort and strength in the life of Christ the Teacher. The contributing authors draw from their own teaching experiences to provide personal and insightful reflections into what it means to be a Christian teacher with the challenges that each day brings.

Each reflection follows a simple format: an excerpt from one of the gospels, a personal reflection by a teacher, and a short prayer. Teachers can use these reflections and prayers as starting points for their own daily devotion or as resources to use in the few minutes they have to pray during the school day. Teachers--particularly those in Catholic schools--are in constant need of spiritual enrichment and inspiration. 5 Minutes with Christ is created to meet this need. This resource is ideal for teacher retreats and spiritual learning communities among faculty members.Lou Delfra;, Lou Delfra C.S.C., Ann Primus Berends

SKU: 201399n0nn1nWWW | ISBN: 9781594712753

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