Audio files for Psalms for the Liturgical Year C

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C-002 Common Psalm for Advent - Psalm 25

C-004 Common Psalm for Advent - Psalm 85

C-006 Common Psalm for Advent - Psalm 146

C-008 First Sunday in Advent C - Psalm 25

C-010 Second Sunday of Advent C - Psalm 126

C-012 Third Sunday of Advent C - Canticle Isaiah 12

C-014 Fourth Sunday of Advent C - Psalm 80

C-016 Common Psalm for Christmas - Psalm 98

C-018 Common Psalm for Christmas - Psalm 34

C-020 Common Psalm for Christmas - Psalm 72

C-022 Christmas - Nativity of the Lord Vigil ABC - Psalm 89

C-024 Christmas - Nativity of the Lord Night ABC - Psalm 96

C-026 Christmas - Nativity of the Lord Dawn ABC - Psalm 97

C-028 Christmas - Nativity of the Lord Day ABC - Psalm 98

C-030 Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph C - Psalm 84

C-032 Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph ABC - Psalm 128

C-034 January 1 - Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God A

C-036 Second Sunday after Christmas ABC - Psalm 147

C-038 Epiphany of the Lord ABC - Psalm 72

C-040 Baptism of the Lord C - Psalm 104

C-042 Baptism of the Lord ABC - Psalm 29

C-044 Common Psalm for Lent - Psalm 51

C-046 Common Psalm for Lent - Psalm 91

C-048 Common Psalm for Lent - Psalm 130

C-050 Common Psalm for Holy Week - Psalm 22

C-052 Ash Wednesday ABC - Psalm 51

C-054 First Sunday of Lent C - Psalm 91

C-056 Second Sunday of Lent C - Psalm 27

C-058 Third Sunday of Lent C - Psalm 103

C-060 Third Sunday of Lent Christian Initiation - Psalm 95

C-062 Fourth Sunday of Lent C - Psalm 34

C-064 Fourth Sunday of Lent Christian Initiation - Psalm 23

C-066 Fifth Sunday of Lent C - Psalm 126

C-068 Fifth Sunday of Lent Christian Initiation - Psalm 130

C-070 Passion Sunday C - Psalm 22

C-072 Mass of Chrism ABC - Psalm 89

C-074 Mass of the Lords Supper ABC - Psalm 116

C-076 Celebration of the Lords Passion ABC - Psalm 31

C-078 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 1.1 ABC - Psal

C-080 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 1.2 ABC - Psal

C-082 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 2 ABC - Psalm

C-084 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 3 ABC - Cantic

C-086 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 4 ABC - Psalm

C-088 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 5 ABC - Cantic

C-090 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 6 ABC - Psalm

C-092 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 7.1 ABC - Psal

C-094 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil 7.2 ABC - Psal

C-096 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Vigil Solemn Allelui

C-098 Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Sunday ABC - Psalm 1

C-100 Common Psalm for Easter - Psalm 118

C-102 Common Psalm for Easter - Psalm 66

C-104 Common Psalm for after Ascension - Psalm 47

C-106 Common Psalm for Pentecost - Psalm 104

C-108 Second Sunday of Easter C - Psalm 118

C-110 Third Sunday of Easter C - Psalm 30

C-112 Fourth Sunday of Easter C - Psalm 100

C-114 Fifth Sunday of Easter C - Psalm 145

C-116 Sixth Sunday of Easter C - Psalm 67

C-118 Ascension of the Lord C - Psalm 47

C-120 Seventh Sunday of Easter C - Psalm 97

C-122 Pentecost Vigil ABC - Psalm 104

C-124 Extended Vigil of Pentecost 1 ABC - Psalm 8

C-126 Extended Vigil of Pentecost 2 ABC - Psalm 80

C-128 Extended Vigil of Pentecost 3 ABC - Psalm 97

C-130 Extended Vigil of Pentecost 4 ABC - Psalm 139

C-132 Extended Vigil of Pentecost 5 ABC - Psalm 105

C-134 Extended Vigil of Pentecost 6 ABC - Psalm 90

C-136 Extended Vigil of Pentecost 7 ABC - Psalm 104

C-138 Pentecost Sunday C - Psalm 104

C-140 The Most Holy Trinity C - Psalm 8

C-142 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ C - Psalm 110

C-144 Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus C - Psalm 23

C-146 Common Psalm for Ordinary Time - Psalm 19

C-148 Common Psalm for Ordinary Time - Psalm 27

C-150 Common Psalm for Ordinary Time - Psalm 34

C-152 Common Psalm for Ordinary Time - Psalm 63

C-154 Common Psalm for Ordinary Time - Psalm 95

C-156 Common Psalm for Ordinary Time - Psalm 100

C-158 Common Psalm for Ordinary Time - Psalm 103

C-160 Common Psalm for Ordinary Time - Psalm 145

C-162 Common Psalm for the Last Weeks of Ordinary Time - Psa

C-164 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 96

C-166 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 19

C-168 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 71

C-170 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 138

C-172 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 1

C-174 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 103

C-176 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 92

C-178 Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 117

C-180 Tenth Sunday in Odinary Time C - Psalm 30

C-182 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 32

C-184 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 63

C-186 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 16

C-188 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 66

C-190 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 C - Psalm 69

C-192 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 C - Psalm 19

C-194 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 15

C-196 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 138

C-198 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 90

C-200 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 33

C-202 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 40

C-204 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 117

C-206 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 68

C-208 Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 90

C-210 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 51

C-212 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 113

C-214 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 146

C-216 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 95

C-218 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 98

C-220 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 121

C-222 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 34

C-224 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 145

C-226 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 17

C-228 Thirth-third Sunday in Ordinary Time C - Psalm 98

C-230 Thirth-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Christ the King C - Psalm 122

C-232 February 2 - Presentation of the Lord ABC - Psalm 24

C-234 March 19 - St Joseph Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mar

C-236 March 25 - Annunciation of the Lord ABC - Psalm 40

C-238 June 24 - Nativity of St John the Baptist Vigil ABC

C-240 June 24 - Nativity of St John the Baptist Day ABC - Ps

C-242 June 29 - Sts Peter and Paul Apostles Vigil ABC - Psal

C-244 June 29 - Sts Peter and Paul Apostles Day ABC - Psalm

C-246 August 6 - Transfiguration of the Lord ABC - Psalm 97

C-248 August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigi

C-250 August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Day

C-252 September 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross ABC - Psal

C-254 November 1 - All Saints ABC - Psalm 24

C-256 November 2 - Commemoration of All the Faithful Departe

C-258 November 2 - Commemoration of All the Faithful Departe

C-260 November 2 - Commemoration of All the Faithful Departe

C-262 November 9 - Dedication of the Lateran Basilica ABC

C-264 December 8 - Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virg