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Critical Theology

Critical Theology

Critical Theology is a quarterly periodical devoted to reflections on religion, society and culture drawn from a theological critique that draws its inspiration from the preferential option for the poor.

This periodical was until Fall 2018 titled The Ecumenist. Founded by Gregory Baum, Canada's preeminent Catholic theologian, The Ecumenist was dedicated to understanding the relationship of theology, society and culture.

Starting in January 2024, the periodical is published as a digital-only version, free for all to view and download. This free access is made possible by the Department of Theological Studies at Concordia University (Montreal) and by St. Jerome’s University in the University of Waterloo.

Critical Theology encourages the development of an analysis our society and culture (including religious culture) to expose and counter their dehumanizing trends. This periodical seeks to be faithful to the good news announced by Jesus Christ and the social teaching of the Catholic Church and remains open to dialogue with other Christians, members of the world's religions and people of good will. It hopes to outline a theology that speaks to the great and often terrible events of our times, including war, the Holocaust, colonialism, the ecological crisis, the rise of feminism, and the globalization of the free market system. It has adopted the Church's teaching on the "preferential option for the poor" and seeks to analyze church and society from the perspective of the marginalized and oppressed. Critical Theology also hopes to inspire people to resist evil, to organize themselves in solidarity with the poor, and to dedicate themselves to living their lives in the service of the common good.

Articles in Critical Theology often address issues in broader society, such as the economy, religious pluralism, international development, AIDS, the ecological crisis, women's issues, and workers' rights. It often republishes important celestial documents on these topics produced by conferences of bishops, religious communities and individual thinkers. It also addresses issues specific to the Roman Catholic Church, including structures of authority, women's ordination, ethics, ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, teachings on sexuality, and the magisterium. Critical Theology features some of the most dynamic and interesting religious scholars writing today. The articles are presented in an accessible fashion that is perfect for scholars, students, church leaders as well as lay Christians.

Editorial Team: Rosemary P. Carbine; Christine Jamieson; Scott Kline; Don Schweitzer; David Seljak

Peer review can be arranged for articles submitted to Critical Theology upon the author’s request and given sufficient lead time.



Critical Theology - Winter 2025 : Download


Critical Theology : past issues


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